Regardless of whether you are an individual or company, creditor or debtor, insolvency practitioner or professional, if you require advice, or are experiencing issues or problems relating to insolvency or bankruptcy, then you will benefit from the expertise our experienced team at Murdochs Lawyers can offer. With a targeted, best outcome-focused approach, we aim to provide tailored, cost-effective solutions to the insolvency issues affecting you.
Our Toowoomba Lawyers team at Murdoch Lawyers has considerable and wide-ranging expertise in providing quality advice on all facets of insolvency and bankruptcy matters, for example:
- Statutory Demands and Winding Up Applications
- Liquidation
- Voluntary Administration
- Receivership
- Director Duties and Liabilities
- Rights of Secured and Unsecured Creditors
- Public Examinations
- Bankruptcy Matters, including Creditor’s Petitions
- Part X Agreements
- Voidable Transactions
Should you require specialised advice on any issue involving corporate or personal insolvency, then let our results orientated and costs effective team at Murdoch Lawyers assist you.