Government Changes to Your Privacy
Under its Budget released on Tuesday 13 May 2014, the Federal Government has decided to disband the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) by 1 January 2015.
The OACI’s current functions are to be split between the:
- Privacy Commissioner in the Australian Human Rights Commission;
- Administrative Affairs Tribunal;
- Commonwealth Ombudsman; and
- Attorney-General’s Department
At this stage, it is not clear how this decision may affect the administration of a number of privacy and freedom of information laws, particularly the recently amended Privacy Act 1988. The Privacy Act 1988 was substantially amended in March 2014, and conferred significant powers on the OACI (read more about these amendments and how they affect you here)
By disbanding the OAIC, the Government expects to save approximately $10 million over 4 years.
For further information, please contact Matt Bell in the Business and Workplace Law division of Murdoch Lawyers.