There are a range of factors to be considered when choosing a structure, but in our experience, there are four key factors on which more weight should be placed:
- Asset protection – protection of the assets of the owner versus protect of the assets of the venture;
- Income tax minimisation;
- Capital gains tax minimisation; and
- Ease and cost of administration.
The type and complexity of the structure to be adopted will be determined by considering the factors listed above. In general, the following basic structures will suit many investments:
- Company;
- Discretionary trust with an individual trustee;
- Discretionary trust with a corporate trustee;
- Hybrid unit trust;
- Partnership of individuals;
- Partnership of discretionary trusts;
- Individual (sole trader); and
- Self-managed superannuation fund.
For further information, or to make an appointment with one of our business solutions experts, please telephone (07) 4616 9898 or email us.