New Changes to ‘Off the Plan’ Significant changes to off the plan sales in Queensland will happen if the Land…
New Changes to ‘Off the Plan’ Significant changes to off the plan sales in Queensland will happen if the Land…
What constitutes a family has changed over the years. Couples can be married or defacto but to the outside world…
The Business Names Registration Act 2011 (the Act) consolidated the various State and Territory business name registers into a national…
Government Changes to Your Privacy Under its Budget released on Tuesday 13 May 2014, the Federal Government has decided to…
Would you be surprised to learn that a first aid kit for a low-risk workplace should include at least 23…
Owner Leasing Plant and Equipment We have now had the Personal Property Securities Act and the Personal Property Securities Register…
On 12 March 2014, the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) was substantially amended, but the amendments only affect some businesses. Who’s…
The Federal Government is looking to remove the distinction between the term of a PPS lease for ‘serial numbered goods’…
A review of the decision of the Fair Work Commission in Little v Credit Corp Group Limited t/as Credit Corp…
Earlier this month, the Federal Court awarded $476,163 plus interest to a women who was found to be the victim…
Modern awards are regularly amended, so you need to keep abreast of any changes. A simple way to do this…
After being a member of Toowoomba and Surat Basin Enterprise for nearly 18 months, Murdochs are now part of the platinum…
Family Court After Separation Does the idea of reaching an agreement amicably and without going to court appeal to you?…
The Personal Property Securities Act came into force in early 2012, and radically changed the law relating to personal property…
New Bullying Laws Overview From 1 January 2014, the Fair Work Act will be amended to enable certain workers who…
Family Court Orders The recent High Court decision in Stanford and Stanford highlights the importance of estate planning arrangements in…
Are your Dispute Resolution Clauses enforceable? A review of the recent Victorian case WTE Co-Generation & Anor V RCR Energy…
Murdoch Lawyers are the proud winner of the prestigious 2013 Law Australasia award for Outstanding Achievement in Practice! Murdoch Lawyers…
Civil Work Contractors A recent decision of the Queensland Supreme Court (September 2013) highlights the necessity for civil work contractors…
The start of a new era at Murdochs… Murdoch Lawyers are proud to announce the appointment of new Directors, Leanne…